Wednesday, July 18, 2012

No, I don't want to share with you

So we are heading out on a family vacation to Put-in-Bay on Sunday.  It is 4 "families" some with kids, others without.  While I am looking very much forward to this vacation, I can't help but think about what type of food/drink we are bringing.

John and I are pretty self sufficient in that we prepare and pack what we will need, and rarely need to rely on anyone else for  food/drink/etc.  We have worked like this for years.  I rarely attend a party in which I don't have my little pink cooler for me, and something to share with the host/ess.  On the rare occasions I do not have my cooler in hand (on shoulder) - I end up having these irrational feelings of guilt drinking others beverages even if offered.  It makes me feel like I was not prepared, and sticks on my mind the entire time we are wherever we are.  I blame it on always trying to be on top of things, and being prepared (they don't call me Mrs. MacGuyver for nothing people!).  Crazy I know.

So this leads to much anxiety about what I will be packing for the "Family" vacation.  I know that I will be covered with beverages (chances are, I will pack more booze than anything) - however, the food situation is causing me a bit of anxiety.  John and I have our snacks we like, and will bring - but how do I politely advise that these are our snacks and if you would like some, you should have brought some for yourself without having to duck tape my name on them?  I know I won;t have to worry about a majority of the fam, and if asked politely, I will probably portion out a small taste of whatever for you and be on my way - However, if I catch you eatin my snacks red handed without asking I am not responsible for whatever batshit crazy reaction I may have.

This is all normal right?*

(*Just kidding, I realize there is most definitely some deep seeded issues with the anxiety over not sharing food with your own damn family.  I'll seek help... when I get back... so long as I don't end up in PIB jail over the course of the vacation due to someone eating my snacks.)

Now booze, I will most definitely share - I am sure I will have enough to go around!

...just don't touch my food, yo!


Fizzgig said...

oh you are a woman after my own heart!! I would totally feel the same way...i packed what i did because it's what i like...not for everyone to hone in on my snacks!!

I feel that way every time I bring my own food to an event. I brought it cus i wont eat what is there, not so everyone could hog it up...

If your body is a temple, mine must be a mansion! said...

Thank God I am not the only person who feels this way! My sister called as soon as this posted and was all like "What the?!" Some people just don't understand. Ha!