Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life is calling...

Once a week.  Seriously, I tried to tell myself that I was going to update more than once a week this summer.  HA!  Who was I kidding?!  This summer has been busy to say the least, but so much fun.  I feel as though I am enjoying the outdoors, and while I haven't seen as many of my friends as I would like - I plan to change that in the coming weeks.

August, yeah, August.

These last two weeks in July are for family, so bear  with me my friends, we will see one another again - just hang tight until August!

Before I pack it up and head out for the long weekend - I am revisiting my back to basics challenge and am committing to the following for the next week (7 days, I can do that, right?):

With that, I am outta here... headed back to my new Happy Place ...

Have a great weekend kids, make it awesome!

I gotta run, Life is calling!

*I stole my title from this girl 'cause when I read it - I felt it pretty much summed up the past few weeks.  I am out there living it baby! 

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