Thursday, June 14, 2012

Me and Camping don't mix...

Or atleast that is what I have thought for the longest time.

Sure, we camped when I was little - but it was in a trailor.  Come on, that's not REAL camping.  And I really had no choice back than.

The first weekend in June, I did have a choice, and I chose to go camping. In a tent. (with an airmattress and electric camp site - some things are non-negotiable!).

J and I loaded up the truck and we headed up to Kelley's Island.

Needless to say, I mixed just fine, and we have booked our next long weekend for mid-July!

I might just be a camper after all!

1 comment:

Fizzgig said...

oh I heart camping! you had some pretty sweet accomodations too! I miss roughing it in a tent! The best memories are made when you are out of your element!!