Saturday, June 2, 2012

I knew I forgot something...

Remember way back when I spent Easter at my sister's house in Rhode Island?

Yeah, I kinda forgot too.

Good thing I came across my photo album so I can rehash those memories!

We had a busy busy week - I have the pictures to prove it.

P.S.  I swear I didn't wear the same thing every day I was there.  It just looks like it in the pics. 


Fizzgig said...

oooh did you go in to meet the TAPS guys?? That's fun to just be at their location!!

If your body is a temple, mine must be a mansion! said...

The guys were not there (nor were the vans - so I assume they were out "hunting"). But my husband might have left me if I didn't atleast stop by before I left Rhode Island!