Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Summer of Strength and 5k's

Since the Cleveland Marathon 10k a few weeks ago, I have been "resting."  I got out on my bicycle a couple times, and even jolked a couple of times.  But for the most part, it has been alittle break from any sort of training.

While I will say it has been nice, this week came along and I felt lost without a game plan, or training plan on the calendar.  I need that structure for my workouts.  I want to work towards something...

I was going to try to work towards my first half in the fall, but decided that I want CLE to be my first half.  There is no pressure over the summer, and I have plenty of time to head back to basics and work up from there.  So, in the spirit of "back to the basics" I am going to concentrate on my 5k time for the next 9 weeks.

The goal: sub-40 minute 5k.

I have atleast 2 races lined up over the next 9 weeks to work towards progress.  Currently, I am running anywhere between 43 and 41 minute 5k's.  I think 2 months is a reasonable time to work to improve and *hopefully* see results.

The other "back to basics" I am going to work on is my strength.  After the new year, we got the bowflex home gym and while I started off great with a program - it seems I have been slacking on sticking with anything.  I also just received the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution 90 day program (because I love JM)..  With all of these tools at my finger tips, I should be able to end the summer with some serious improvement in both of these areas.

So that's that.  I have a plan.  And I feel back on track.

Now, if only I could curb this sweet tooth that has developed...


Fizzgig said...

I love a goal!! good for you!!

I thought my only half would be the CLE this year, but I am seriously considering doing the towpath half marathon, since it is mostly flat, and cooler weather than the CLE, so I can end my season with a faster time. Another half is daunting!

But, I will say, strength training certainly helped me get thru that half at CLE, so keep that up, you will be amazed how much it helps you with your running stamina!

I too, am mostly working on my 5k time to beat. It's the best to start with! Good luck to you!

You can't help but see results when you put in the training!

If your body is a temple, mine must be a mansion! said...

I REALLY wanted to do the Towpath series (I did the first of 3 - 5 miler - in April)and I just LOVE the Towpath! But with the next being on Fathers Day, and the 1/2 Marathon on my 5th Anniversary weekend - I decided to put it on my list for next year!

I've been looking into possibly doing one of the fall 1/2's with a relay team as you suggested. Gathering some peeps now ;-)

I need the strength BAD - I feel like I have been neglecting my muscles (upper and core mainly) by running and cycling. I've heard good reviews on JM's Body Revolution so figured why not try it!

I mean really, it can't hurt!