Thursday, June 6, 2013!

Friday is National Donut Day! Best Day Ever!
Guess you all know where to find me tomorrow!  

I know I owe ya a Cleveland Half recap and it is coming (as soon as I figure out how to get that obnoxious PROOF stamp off the pics. I kid, I kid...but seriously, why are race pics so expensive?!)  I will give you a sneak peak:

It was and I finished.

That's all you get for now.  I have got to get back to mapping out all Dunkin Donuts within a 15 miles radius.  
Operation #freedonut(s) is in full effect.

Doughnut or Donut?  
Who cares so long as it ends up in my belly!

1 comment:

Fizzgig said...

finishing is all that matters! congrats to you!!!