Today is September 1st. And while we may find ourselves asking where in the hell did the time go, and how are we in September already - I can't help but think of it as a fresh start.
A fresh start to evaluate where we are in our journeys toward the lifestyle changes we are making, and how we are doing emotionally and mentally. A fresh start to put the past behind us, and maybe we make some new goals (or revise current goals) for the next four weeks.
I have not been keeping up with my running as much as I would have liked over the past month - and while I can blame the heat, my body and pretty much anything else (my shoe laces are not equal length from one another... Whelp, better shelve that run for today... Am I right?!) I have to realize that the past is the past. I cannot change anything over the past couple weeks/months, but I can make a plan for the next four weeks. I can make a plan that will help me accomplish my first goal of logging 50 miles this month.
I have also started practicing yoga weekly (if you are interested, please check out Nishkama Yoga in Independence and North Olmsted) to help really center myself, and work out those muscles that I use daily. I am a total beginner at yoga, so my second goal is to really be present on my mat, and really work hard to remember the correct positions and breathing for me. The benefits far outweigh the struggles that come with being a beginner to really push, and concentrate on what I am doing in class. I can feel it in my overall body (posture, core and balance are all a BIG work in progress for me!), mentally and emotionally. I plan to take that practice to the mat 1 - 2 times per week for the next four weeks.
I have two specific goals in mind, but I wanted to share some others that I have found that can be practiced each day of this fresh new start to September.
Maybe this will help you find your goal for the month, ar atleast inspire you to start doing something each day that will help you not just physically, but also help your overall well being on this crazy journey we are all on!
What are your goals for September?
so very true! every day is a new day with new beginnings! so what if you havn't run for a month? you can run today! As long as you remember your goal, you will always reach it!!
My september goal is to train well daily for my upcoming 7.5 relay leg, and final half marathon for the season!
here's to new beginnings!
bring my lunch 4 days and workout up to 5 times a week.
It's all about getting back on freaking track for me!
YES, time to undo all of the (fun) from the last couple months!
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